About PointClickCare
PointClickCare’s cloud-based software platform connects healthcare providers across the senior care continuum with regulatory compliant solutions for improved resident outcomes, enhanced financial performance and staff optimization.

PointClickCare’s Skin and Wound solution provides automation for best practices in documenting skin and wounds to maximize clinical outcomes, improve productivity, and reduce risk and liability.

Join us to understand how PointClickCare’s Skin and Wound module drives….
  • Better collaboration between care team members - the result with anytime anywhere access to wound information and photos.
  • Improved engagement with residents and family members in the treatment and care process.
  • Improve and automate your documentation - reducing challenges with publicly reportable quality measures.

With the shift to value based care, being able to easily report and compare data will demonstrate to partners the value you bring to the table!

Beth DeLaHunt, Industry Sales Engineer, PointClickCare

Date and time
Date: Thursday, February 23th, 2017
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET